
Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: We are the Ones!

By Tom & Carol Braford

WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

Our ancient ancestors survived the ice ages, including periods known as Snowball Earth, by joining together in tribes of 150 in the later years. 

We will need to do that again if we are going to survive the coming self-inflicted, “Fireball Earth.” Yes, more of the planet will burn and be washed away. But we cannot afford to despair. The time for social prepping has arrived!

“Civilization and the planet is a terrible thing to waste!” There is work to do if we are to save even remnants of humanity and other life forms. Who knows? If others see that this is possible, they may join us, and the planet may yet live as one.

Remember Ilya Prigogne’s discovery: “When systems are far from equilibrium, Small Islands of Coherence can and will shift the whole system.” 

So what are you waiting for? Join us now in building the prototype Islands of Coherence Communities right here in Mound City. A pandemic of plenty has to start somewhere, so why not here?

Even the individual survivalist ‘preppers’ in southwest Missouri recently discovered that some level of community scale social prepping was needed after unusually damaging recent floods washed out roads and bridges. The county and state were already overextended, so people banded together and used their own equipment and resources to repair the damage themselves rather than remain stranded. 

In St. Louis, the polar vortex drifted all the way south from the Arctic to the Mexican border and left us city slickers living on side streets in similar straits. A half dozen homeowners who still own shovels banded together with tenants to dig out each other’s cars and even rescued DoorDash drivers who got themselves hopelessly stuck.

It is great to see some essential aspects of community being recovered now while there’s still a chance to turn things around. But this small-scale emergency community-based response is a poor substitute for optimized, at-scale, pre-organized prevention and response that we are aiming for. 

Please consider joining us. Your life or the lives of your loved ones, civilization and the planet may depend on it.

Please contact us at braford@sbcglobal.net or at www.ArizmendiEcovillage.com.